Monday 28 January 2013

Starting on my challenge for 2013

Hello and welcome to the start of my challenge to live on £50 a week. I'm aiming to feed myself and family for £30 a week. There is me, my hubby and my five month old son  'Bubba' to feed. In addition, hubby and I are also following Slimming World's plan to loose weight there needs to be plenty of healthy food especially fruit and veg. The other £20 will cover cat food/litter, eating out, trips out, household items (such as toilet roll and cleaning products) and toiletries. It will not cover Bubba's formula or nappies. 

I'm very excited although a little nervous about this. With our new son we need to cut back on our expenditure, but we want to still enjoy life. I have read many tips and ideas on how to do this. 

My plan so far is: 
1) to meal plan. This will enable me to buy the food we need and not random items, reducing cost. I will only cook what we need so reducing waste. By knowing what we are having will stop the panicky brainstorm at 5pm of the dilemma of what to make for tea and then grabbing an impulse take away. 
2) use coupons. I have seen this on tv shows, but have seen people in England do this. I need to look at what coupons I have against the items I need and not be fooled into being things I don't need! 
3) an accurate spending diary to see where the money is being spent.
4) I would like to use the 'second purse' system. Before I went on maternity leave I stockpiled many tins, packets, drinks and toiletries. This system allows me to 'go shopping' in my larder and put the money into a second purse/pot to be used at a later date. By using this system I will have money to buy items on offer for future use without it coming out of the weekly food budget. This will make more sense as I use it. 
5) Take drinks out with us. Either eat before going out or take food with us.
6) Do more free things, like go for walks in the nearby countryside, canals, woods. Use coupons for cheap entry, or seek places with free entry. Eat out using vouchers and deals. 

As food is the biggest expenditure this is the area I have given most thought about. However in addition, this week I will document how many times I use the dishwasher and washing machine to incorporate this into my budget.

I will work on my first two weeks of meal plans and post these with costings. 
I would welcome any tips or ideas. 


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